
Corporate’s Own Server Solution


  1. Corporate’s own server solution is used by medium and big enterprises, banks and financial companies to secure their own data and personal information.
  2. STORM’s recommends to encrypt everything you have, from any small message to the big data of your activity especially storage which must be private, secured and encrypted.
  3. STORM’s secure your encrypted data with special algorithms, which is maintaned by certified IT professionals in/from our Frankfurt am Main datacenter.
  4. Flexible deployment options, custom configurations and powerful hardware make STORM’s secure servers applicable for a wide variety of use cases. Whether you are looking to build an IT platform for a medium business or deploy a large-scale infrastructure, STORM’s secure server solutions can meet your needs.
  5. STORM’s servers are ANONYMOUS. STORM’s use parole phrase “Don’t ask – don’t tell”. There is no way to decrypt your corporate’s server by any third party and any officials or even by STORM’s.
  7. You may make payments anonymously (using Bitcoin).
  8. Each bundle includes:
    • 1 server;
    • 1 month technical support;
    • 1 month period of use.


STORM’s cares about the safety of your data. Each corporate server is encrypted and located in a secure data center. You will get as much hardware resources as you need!

The requirements of any third parties, such as your government agents (officials), competitors, and other persons, will never be fulfilled. STORM’s says “Your data is your private property”.