End-to-End Encryption
Messages are encrypted at all times
Messages are stored on Storm-Mail.eu servers in encrypted format. They are also transmitted in encrypted format between our servers and user devices. Messages between Storm-Mail.eul users are also transmitted in encrypted form within our secure server network. Because data is encrypted at all steps, the risk of message interception is largely eliminated.
Zero Access to User Data
Your encrypted data is not accessible to us
Storm-Mail.eu’s zero access architecture means that your data is encrypted in a way that makes it inaccessible to us. Data is encrypted on the client side using an encryption key that we do not have access to. This means we don’t have the technical ability to decrypt your messages, and as a result, we are unable to hand your data over to third parties. With Storm-Mail.eu, privacy isn’t just a promise, it is mathematically ensured. For this reason, we are also unable to do data recovery. If you forget your password, we cannot recover your data.

Incorporated in Germany
Hardware Level Security
Full disk encryption and storage in secured datacenters
We have invested heavily in owning and controlling our own server hardware at several locations within Germany so your data never goes to the cloud. Our data centers are located at highly secure sites that require biometric access. This provides an extra layer of protection by ensuring your encrypted emails are not easily accessible to any third parties. On a system level, our servers utilize fully encrypted hard disks with multiple password layers so data security is preserved even if our hardware is seized.
No tracking or logging of personally identifiable information
Unlike competing services, we do not save any tracking information. By default, we do not record metadata such as the IP addresses used to log into accounts. As we have no way to read encrypted emails, we do not serve targeted advertisements. To protect user privacy, Storm-Mail.eu does not require any personally identifiable information to register.
Securely communicate with other email providers
Even your communication with non-Storm-Mail.eu users can be secure
We support sending encrypted communication to non-Storm-Mail.eu users via symmetric encryption. When you send an encrypted message to a non-Storm-Mail.eu user, they receive a link which loads the encrypted message onto their browser, which they can decrypt using a passphrase that you have shared with them. You can also send unencrypted messages to Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook and others, just like regular email.

Germany SSL to secure your connection
We use SSL to secure communication between our server and your computer. Message data between our server and your computer is already sent encrypted, but we use SSL to add another layer of protection and to ensure that the web page your browser loads is not tampered with by a third party intercepting your traffic in a MITM (Man in the Middle) attack.
Easy to Use
Comprehensive Security for Everyone
We created Storm-Mail.eu because we found that none of the existing secure email services available today are sufficiently secure. However, a secure service like Storm-Mail.eu cannot improve the security landscape if it is so difficult to use, nobody can use it. From the start, we designed Storm-Mail.eu with a strong emphasis on usability. As a result, Storm-Mail.eu is very easy to use. There is nothing to install, and no encryption keys to manage, if you can use Gmail, Thunderbird, or Outlook, you can use Storm-Mail.eu.